The Heart of Profit
The Heart of Profit is the preeminent guide to embracing mindful ideas about business and life.
Explore capitalism in a new light. Expertly brand your business, uber-target your market, and use a conscious approach to help customers understand why their problems can be solved by your company’s products and services. This book will throw the committed reader directly into the flow of universal abundance.
“A wonderful treatise and guidebook for anyone desiring to discover their passion and purpose, live with deep intention, and share their unique gifts in the world.”
— Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder & Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual CenterAuthor, Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation

The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap to Tripling Income While Pursuing a Passion

Get into the flow of universal abundance!
Embrace mindful ideas about business and life!

“Susan Kavanaugh neatly details the laws of prosperity in ‘The Heart of Profit.’ This is a recipe for success for any conscious entrepreneur. The Susan I’ve known for 32 years walks her talk and has joyfully built her company throughout the time we’ve been friends. She is a unique and vulnerable human being, unafraid of authentic expression while manifesting the rewards that come from a heart such as hers.”
—Christopher Jackson,
Executive Leader, Unity World Headquarters
Senior Minister, Unity-on-the-Bay in Miami
“Can you be spiritual AND rich? Absolutely! ‘The Heart of Profit’ offers a basic path to meeting and embracing the true you while applying specific tools to put wings to your dreams. Here’s an inclusive perspective on Conscious Capitalism. You’ll attract wealth and health beyond measure and manifest it for the people who surround you too. Susan’s personal stories and the intriguing interviews touched me deeply. ‘The Heart of Profit’ will jump-start your psyche, help you rise above mediocrity, and begin to invest in yourself.”
—Cie Allman Scott, PhD, Author,
“Decide Your Future: Write, Direct, and Star in Your Life”

“This book is a gift being offered to us by a bona fide, radiant soul who, through her coaching efforts, has helped countless folks uncover their authentic selves. Susan ‘Ignites Hope.’ Let her set fire to yours.”
—Jim Kupczyk, Founder | Mindful Market
“For Conscious Consumers by Conscious Businesses”
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